Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Does processed meat really cause cancer?

On the 26th October WHO released a statement saying that processed meat causes cancer. I can't imagine the back lash from the producers of these foods.

However, the truth is meat not just processed meat, is the cause of digestive cancer e.g colon cancer and so many health related issues. Food and health researchers  like Dr, Sebi, Dr Brown Pfeifer, George Malkmus, Dr James destroy diseases,  Dr.Campbell have understood the cause and the cure of all diseases are in the foods we eat, have long published these findings.

How does cancer occur? Cancer occurs when there is an undesirable change in the nucleus of the cells of the body(DNA). This results in inappropriate growth of cells which are triggered by internal toxins, external toxins, malnutrition and some other factors.

In bible days it was healthy to eat meat without worry because meat was only 4 to 6% fat. Nowadays, animals especially the popular ones like beef chicken pork or commercialized meat as I would like to call them contain 20 to 60% fat because of the type of animal feeding. Therefore, the problem is the rearring of these animals.

I know we will ask what about the protein we get from meat? The human body is designed to consume 20 to 30 grams of protein a day but most people consume an average of 100 grams of protein per day. The high volume of protein derived from animal products causes excess acidity of the blood cells and greatly reduces the alkalinity of our bodies.

If your are treating a particular disease either cancer, diabetes or high blood pressure the best choice is to eliminate all forms of animal products from your diet because animal products are highly acidic and if you intend staying healthy then that should be your first step. Eat a high fibre diet to aid your digestion and maintain a good pH balance.  

What is the best type of meat to eat? Free range animal product.

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