Friday, 27 November 2015

What happens when energy drinks are combined with alcohol?

This is an article from studies of brown university.

Energy drinks are also used as mixers with alcohol. This combination carries a number of potential dangers:
  • Since energy drinks are stimulants and alcohol is a depressant, the combination of effects may be dangerous. The stimulant effects can mask how intoxicated you are and prevent you from realizing how much alcohol you have consumed. Fatigue is one of the ways the body normally tells someone that they've had enough to drink.

According to Brown University it appears safer to drink coke or any other soda than energy drinks.

Energy drinks are beverages like Red Bull, Rock Star and Monster, which contain large doses of caffeine and other legal stimulants like guarana and ginseng. The amount of caffeine in an energy drink can range from 75 milligrams to over 200 milligrams per serving. This compares to 34 milligrams in Coke and 55 milligrams in Mountain Dew.

Why we need sleep.

The body uses sleep to recharge and repair itself, while we sleep the body eliminates waste products, circulates hormones and nutrients and produces infection fighting bacteria the body requires to recover from injuries and illnesses.

A Harvard study shows that blue light has a resetting effect on the circadian rhythm. Some studies have also shown that napping for a minimum of 20 mins in the afternoon helps to improve productivity.

Source; The Hallelujah Diet