Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The God diet

The Alkaline diet

A lot of research has been put in this diet from practitioners like Dr. Sebi who pioneered the application of this diet, curing diseases such as obesity, cancer, HIV and various viruses that attack the body. Discovering that almost all diseases are caused by mucus the body needs to maintain the right environment to stay healthy and that is an alkaline environment.
Studies have shown that the water in the womb where a baby is formed is high in alkaline, the breast milk also so ladies never substitute it for grounded rice, corn and animal milk. This diet categorizes food in two groups the Acidic and Alkaline.

According to Greenopedia: Balance is key and when it comes to our body’s pH levels, it’s the key to life! pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline something is and our blood pH needs to maintain a slightly alkaline level to keep us healthy. We help our bodies to maintain this pH balance by eating more alkaline-forming foods and fewer acid-forming foods.
  • Alkaline-forming foods include most fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds and herbal teas.
  • Acid-forming foods include most grains, beans, meats, dairy products, fish, fast foods and processed foods.

Why Is This Important?

When we eat acid-forming foods, our body has to work hard to bring our blood pH back into balance. It does this by releasing alkaline-rich minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium into our bloodstream.
If we are not eating enough alkaline-forming foods, then our body has to pull these important minerals from our bones, teeth and organs. This can compromise our immune system, cause fatigue and make us vulnerable to viruses and disease.

How To...

Eat a diet of 60-80% alkaline-forming foods and 20-40% acid-forming foods.

Are we rich in alkaline foods in Nigeria?

It will be good to note that some of these studies took place in Africa most  herbs and organic grown foods are alkaline. The answer to that question is yes. 

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