Monday 1 February 2016

Klhoe Kardashian before and after pictures. She is my favorite weight loss inspiration.

It's amazing when you see a picture like this and are so impressed with the transformations. I can relate with this because I used to weigh about 95kg which is close to 185 pounds and today I weigh 68kg. I am still working on it since my goal weight is 63kg have go a mile long to go but see pictures like these are encouraging and they keep me going. The truth is u never know how large you are until you loose weight.

I have come to understand that in life you have to be determined to achieve your goals wether its weight loss or life goals just be consistent because what you will enjoy is the progress. Always be ready to make the necessary adjustments wether its is in your diet or in exercise.

This is khloe 2016

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