Saturday 5 December 2015

Five Tips to ensure we don't gain a lot of weight this holiday season!

Count your calories:

You can eat anything but ensure you consume between 1500 calories and 2000 calories per day.

Portion your Food.

By regulating the quantity of food you consume you can enjoy a party without being over fed.

Have a flexible work out routine

Get some exercise tips on home workouts trust me they work so if can't go out because of the weather or have something scheduled for you regular gym time no need to skip your exercise plan just do a quick 15 to 30 minutes at home.

Enjoy the holidays

Spending time with friends and family help to ease stress keeps you very active physically and that is great for your health.

 Embark on a 7 days cleanse after the holidays or just stick to a one month alkaline diet.

*Individual results apply*

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