Thursday 3 December 2015

Does Saturated Fat Cause Heart Disease?

Let's see, according to this excerpt article from authority nutrition it has no direct link.

Old Man Taking Pills
"The supposedly harmful effects of saturated fat are the cornerstone of modern dietary guidelines.
Because of that, this topic has received enormous amounts of funding.
However… despite decades of research and billions of dollars spent, scientists still haven’t been able to demonstrate a clear link.

Several recent review studies that combined data from multiple other studies, found that there really is no link between saturated fat consumption and heart disease.
This includes a review of 21 studies with a total of 347,747 participants, published in 2010. Their conclusion: there is absolutely no association between saturated fat and heart disease (32).
Another review published in 2014 looked at data from 76 studies (both observational studies and controlled trials) with a total of 643,226 participants. They found no link between saturated fat and heart disease (33).
We also have a systematic review from the Cochrane collaboration, which combines data from numerous randomized controlled trials.
According to their review, published in 2011, reducing saturated fat has no effect on death or death from heart disease (34).
However, they found that replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats reduced the risk of cardiac events (but not death) by 14%.
This does not imply that saturated fats are “bad,” just that certain types of unsaturated fats (mostly Omega-3s) are protective, while saturated fats are neutral.
So… the biggest and best studies on saturated fat and heart disease show that there is no direct link. It was a myth all along.
Unfortunately, the governments and “mainstream” health organizations seem reluctant to change their minds and continue to promote the old low-fat dogma".
Click here for more information

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