Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Why is make up such a huge trend?

Make up is no longer just a beauty enhancer it's a fashion trend. Make up artists have developed various techniques and tricks to apply beauty products, like getting your face beat as it is popularly called where you apply the art of face (lips, nose, chin and chicks) and body contour with the power of a brush. This ways are often admired or hated but the truth every woman loves to look beautiful.

There is a saying that goes, ''beauty is vain'' and 'it is what is on the inside that counts'. I think this only applies after people have gotten to know you truth is no one wants to know what they are not attracted to. If you are beautiful on the inside you have to sell your content with what's on the outside and that is the idea of beauty enhancers.

However, there are other advantages of looking beautiful as it has been in ages past where beautiful women have kept their Kingdoms, changed the fate of Nations, married Kings and great men the same applies today. If your outward presentation is attractive you are most likely to get hired over someone else or get a promoted because let's face it everyone sees the outward and everything is about image in other words packaging.

Let's all do ourselves a favour by walking into that make up studio, going to the spa, get a facial, give yourselves a body scrub and keep your hair looking good.

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